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Quod quaesisti inventum est in 12 locis.

Preme hic ut KWIC videas

1. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 55 | Paragraph | Section]

that Brodarics got to Italy at a very early age, provide the strongest proofs that his date of birth should be put around 1480 instead of 1470–71. More on this: Kasza Péter, Egy karrier hajnala... 1198–1202. 5  Brodarics first studied in Padua from around 1498–99, then, after his master Giovanni Calphurnio died, he continued in Bologna with Filippo Beroaldo from 1503. Still, he obtained doctorate of canon law in Padua in 1505–1506. More on the chronology of Brodarics’ studies in Italy: Kasza Péter, Egy karrier hajnala... 1194–1198. 6  Tamás Bakócz, Archbishop of

2. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 58 | Paragraph | Section]

him a close friend. In 1542 he still served Ferenc Frangepán. Paul III wanted to send him on a mission to Ireland in 1541 but it did not happen (see Thomas Maccogg, The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England 1541–1588, Leiden–New York–Köln, 1996, 15.) His brother Joannes (Giovanni) Marsupino was Abbot of Kapornak in 1532 and entered the service of Pál Várday in 1548. Regarding the Marsupino brothers see: ETE I. 232., 309., 310.; ETE II. 186–188.; ETE III. 269., 284., 291., 350., 380., 416., 474.; ETE IV. 131. ex

3. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 100 | Paragraph | Section]

But it did not happen yet, and Brodarics was compensated by a prebend as Canon of Esztergom. 5  35 István Brodarics to Giovanni Salviati Buda, 4 November 1524 Manuscript used: ASF, Carte Strozziane, Serie I., Filza 152., fol. 9r., 12v. 1. He has received Salviati’s letter dated 7 October. There is hope for putting an end to the schism in Bohemia; at least Baron Burgio and Chancellor Szalkai are working

4. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 101 | Paragraph | Section]

meo, domino Ioanni cardinali de Salviatis Regni Hungariae protectori etc., domino mihi semper observandissimo. In fact, Brodarics could leave for Rome in February 1525 only. Giovanni Marsupino, brother of Francesco Marsupino who worked as an administrator in Rome from 1518. He worked as an emissary of Szapolyai in Rome in the 1530s. See also the notes for the letter by Brodarics on 1 September 1522. 8  In theory, the bishopric of Pécs became vacant in 1522 when

5. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 103 | Paragraph | Section]

On the outer side: Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Clementi papae VIImo, Domino mihi semper clementissimo 37 István Brodarics to Giovanni Salviati Buda, 4 December 1524 Manuscript used: ASF, Carte Strozziane, Serie I., Filza 152., fol. 68r–v. 1 1. Salviati should get 110 Hungarian gold coins of Brodarics’ money given to the man of Burgio. – 2. Legate Campeggio is expected for Christmas. After

6. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 108 | Paragraph | Section]

request has been in part fulfilled, in part it will be put forward to the Pope tomorrow by Brodarics and Cardinal Pucci; Sigismund will be informed about the Pope’s answer promptly. – 4. The Pope is relentless in his attempts to create peace between the Emperor and the French King; Cardinal Giovanni Salviati has been ordered to stay with the Emperor as a legate; Brodarics has been sent with him. – 5. He trusts that peace can be attained; he wrote a ciphered letter about this to Bishop of Przemiśl Andrzej Krzycki; he trusts this most of all because of the noble heart of the French

7. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 109 | Paragraph | Section]

he would raise Brodarics to Bishop status as soon as possible. 4  The church named after the Four Crowned Saints (Quattuor Sanctorum Coronatorum) was the titular church of Cardinal Lorenzo Pucci (Laurentius Pucius) (1458–1531), Bishop of Melf, later of Alba. 5  Clement VII appointed Cardinal Giovanni Salviati, Legate with Charles V, on 5 May 1525. His task was, as Brodarics says, first of all, creating peace between the French and the Spanish Kings and preparation for the war against the Turks. [5.] Si

8. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 111 | Paragraph | Section]

Brodericus orator On the outer side: Sacratissimae regiae maiestati Poloniae, magno duci Lithvaniae, Rwssiae, Prussiae etc. domino ac heredi, domino meo clementissimo. 44 István Brodarics to Giovanni Salviati Rome, 20 May 1525 Manuscript used: ASF, Carte Strozziane, Serie I., Filza 157., fol. 183r–v, 185v. 1. He had no time to write a letter since he has arrived to Rome; on the other hand, he hasn’t received any news from Hungary. – 2. King of Poland made peace with the

9. Brodaric, Stjepan. Epistulae, versio electronica. [page 113 | Paragraph | Section]

11 Maria Habsburg (1505–1558), wife of Louis II from 1522. 17  16  45 István Brodarics to Giovanni Salviati Rome, 10 June 1525 Manuscript used: ASF, Carte Strozziane, Serie I., Filza 158., fol. 166r–v; 165r–v. 1. Ha wants to return Salviati’s good will with deeds rather than words. – 2. Only Salviati’s company makes the expected hardships of the trip to Spain

10. Bolica, Ivan. Descriptio Ascriviensis urbis,... [Paragraph | Section]

Ac primum, montis iacet in radicibus imis
130  Vrbs conclusa mari, mons est sine nomine, at ipsa
Ascriuium dicta est. Arx celsa 29) vulgo "Il Castello di S. Giovanni". in vertice montis
Assurgit, montemque suum sua moenia cingunt.
Area lata patens ante urbem montis opaci
Obiectu curuo portum efficit, hic furor omnis,
135  Ventorumque silent flatus, placida aequora

11. Kunic, Rajmund. Epigrammata, versio electronica [Paragraph | SubSect | Section]

jam posse licere,
5.189.6   Posse tegi legis nomine, Rulle, putas? 190. Ad Rullum horribilem Joannis Hispani exitum in theatro spectantem. (Don Giovanni Tenorio)
5.190.1  Rulle, vides nigri demergi in faucibus Orci,
5.190.2   Amburi et piceis Eumenidum facibus,
5.190.3  Quem tibi vidisti similem ruere in scelus omne,

12. Sivric, Antun. Traduzione latina delle... [Paragraph | SubSect | Section]

i buoni; onde si vegga brillar liberamente, e svilupparsi il loro splendore, senza essere avvilito, ed offuscato dalla caligine, e dalle macchie. Per questo motivo mi sono proposto di scegliere i migliori tra quelli, che furono pubblicati in italiano. Se io sapessi sceglierli veramente bene, Giovanni de la Bruyere mi loderebbe assai; il quale disse, che choisir c’ est inventer , cioè a dire, che lo scegliere è un inventare. Comunque sia bramerei, che questa scelta potesse meritare il nome di scelta; affine di promuovere quel salubre, delicato, e

Bibliographia locorum inventorum

Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].

Bolica, Ivan (c. 1520 – 1572) [1538]: Descriptio Ascriviensis urbis, versio electronica, 2842 verborum, 331 versus [genus: poesis - epica; poesis - descriptio] [numerus verborum] [bolica-i-desc.xml].

Kunic, Rajmund (1719-1794) [1794]: Epigrammata, versio electronica, 20870 versus, verborum 170058, ed. Irena Braticevic [genus: poesis - epigramma] [numerus verborum] [kunic-r-epigr.xml].

Sivric, Antun (1765 - 1830) [1803]: Traduzione latina delle Anacreontiche ... e dei sonetti, versio electronica, Verborum 42047, 5086 versus, ed. Neven Jovanovic [genus: poesis epigramma; poesis versio; paratextus prosaici] [numerus verborum] [sivrich-anacreont.xml].

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