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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
Si vis in lexico quaerere, verbum elige et clavem 'd' in claviatura preme.

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[4.] Illud negotium 7 quo in statu sit, Vestra Sanctitas ex litteris domini baronis 8 intelliget. Ego, quicquid sequatur, video, quantum Vestrae Sanctitati ob eius tantam in me benignitatem, et in re mea curam ac studium favoremque debeam. Cuius quidem mei debiti nunquam ero immemor. De comite Christophoro, 9 de regiae maiestatis peregrinatione, 10 de principum 9post maiestatem: nondum del. 11  Regarding this see the letter by Louis II to the Pope on 30 September 1525. Compare: Theiner Augustin, Vetera monumenta Hungariam... 655. 12  Archbishop of Esztergom László Szalkai. 13  Brodarics had a letter of recommendation from the Pope addressed to Szalkai. Compare: Theiner Augustin, Vetera monumenta Hungariam... 651–652. 14 István Werbőczy (around 1458–1541), scholar of law, leading figure of the party of lesser noblemen. He was elected Palatine on 6 July 1525 replaced István Báthori. He was in office until April 1526. More on his life: Fraknói Vilmos, Werbőczi István életrajza, Budapest, 1899. 15  János Szapolyai, Transylvanian Voivod. 16  On this see Burgio’s letter on 11 July 1525 among others. Bartoniek, Mohács Magyarországa... 19–24. 17 Quite probably, this refers to the appointment of Brodarics as Chancellor. The major obstacle was Szalkai himself who did not want to resign and wanted Bishop of Veszprém Tamás Szalaházy to replace him. Clement VII, in his letter on 8 August 1525, recommended Brodarics to the position. Compare: Theiner Augustin, Vetera monumenta Hungariam... 651. 18  See Burgio’s report on 13 September 1525. Magyarországi pápai követek jelentései 1524–1526. Budapest, 2001, 263–266. 19  Since Kristóf Frangepán entered into an argument with Archbishop Szalkai that ended in violence, King Louis threw him into dungeon. See Burgio’s report on 13 September 1525. Magyarországi pápai követek jelentései... 264. 10  We know from Burgio’s report on 13 September that they planned to go to Slavonia first and then to Moravia. See Magyarországi pápai követek jelentései... 264.

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nostrorum conventu 11 nihil scribo. Non ignarus Vestram Sanctitatem et de his et de aliis omnibus litteris domini baronis factam esse certiorem.

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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
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