Croatiae auctores Latini: inventa  
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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
Si vis in lexico quaerere, verbum elige et clavem 'd' in claviatura preme.

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quingentesimo decimoseptimo, regnorum nostrorum Hungariae et Bohemiae etc. anno primo. Iacobus Piso 8 secretarius.

[ERROR: no reftable :]10 István Brodarics to Louis II 1 Rome, 1 September 1522 Manuscript used: MOL, DL 25663 Published: Iványi Béla, Adalékok a nemzetközi érintkezések történetéhez a Jagelló-korban, Történelmi Tár, 1906, 343–344. 1. The Pope has arrived in Rome but has not received Brodarics in a public audience yet. However, he and Cardinal Medici have put forward Louis II’s request to him in a private interview that a legate or nuncio be sent to the Nuremberg Imperial Diet. – 2. Brodarics assures King Louis that that he could find no Pope more suitable for his purposes than Adrian. Marsupino has returned from Florence to Rome too. Now they work together on behalf of the King. – 3. He complains that he has no money and he doesn’t get any from the Fuggers in spite of the King having instructed them to lend him some. If he does not receive money soon, he will be compelled to sell everything he has and crawl back to Hungary in shame with barely one servant. – 4. He, too, deems the diplomatic mission to France mentioned by King Louis quite useful, but he cannot travel there without money. Sacra Regia Maiestas, Domine, Domine mihi Gratiosissime. Post humillimam servitutis meae commendationem.

[1.] XXVIII huius mensis Augusti venit Sanctissimus Dominus Noster 2 ad sanctum Paulum monasterium non longe a moenibus Urbis distans. Sequenti die ingressus Urbem, postea die Dominica 3 fuit coronatus. Adhuc nihil potuit agi de negotiis Maiestatis Vestrae apud Suam Sanctitatem. Credo nos cras aut perendie habituros audientiam publicam, id est consistorialem a Sua Sanctitate. Quamvis iam in audientia [ERROR: no reftable :]8  Jacobus Piso (1480–1527), offspring of a Saxon middle class family from Medgyes, noted Humanist, poet and diplomat, friend and pen friend of Erasmus, member of the circle of László Szalkai who would become Archbishop of Esztergom. One of the tutors of the child King Louis from 1516, Royal Secretary from 1520. We have no other data about a permanent contact with Brodarics, who was roughly of the same age, but perhaps it is not just by accident that he wrote the letter on the coat of arms, which praises literature and science, in such elegant Latin. 1  Fraknói refers to this letter when he states that one of Brodarics’ tasks was to persuade the Pope to intervene so that Pál Tomori accepts arcbishopric of Kalocsa. (Compare: Fraknói Vilmos, Tomori Pál élete, Századok, 1881, 310.) Brodarics might have had such an assignment but it cannot be justified with the text of this letter. 2  Hadrian VI (1522–1523) was elected Pope on 9 January 1522. 3  On 31 August.

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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
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