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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
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Vestram intellexisse de litteris Sophii, 7 ad caesarem et serenissimum dominum 8 meum, in quibus hortatur eos, ut principes Christianos in Turcam concitent, quarum exemplum ad Vestram Maiestatem mittam.

33 István Brodarics to Sigismund I Rome, 7 May 1524 Manuscript used: BN T. 5. fol. 85r. 1 Published: Acta Tomiciana VII. 20. 1. News came from Constantinople that the Pasha of Cairo had been executed for revolting against the Sultan; the Pope, who is concerned that the Turks turn all their forces against Hungary, also confirmed this.; the Pope therefore does all he can and calls for peace among European rulers and also for sending aid to Hungary. – 2. The French suffered substantial defeat in Lombardy; nearly 1000 died, several officers were lost or injured. – 3. He asks Sigismund again to intervene for him with King Louis so that he can obtain some substantial benefice. Serenissime Princeps et Domine, Domine mihi Clementissime. Post servitutis meae perpetuae in gratiam Vestrae Maiestatis humillimam commendationem.

[1.] Supervenerunt repente nova satis adversa: Bassam illum praefectum Cayri, qui a Turca defecerat, a suis esse obtruncatum. 2 Quae nova venerunt ex Constantinopoli et habentur pro certissimis. Fui hodie, quae est V. Maii, pro hoc cum Sanctissimo Domi 35 Principem Ferdinandum del. suprascr. dominum meum Persian Shah Ismail Sophi I (1500–1524) was certainly in contact with Louis II in 1523. His envoy, a Maronite monk by the name of Peter of Lebanon, brought a letter to Louis from the Shah in 1523, in which there is allusion to the Shah’s previous letters to the Hungarian King. The monk who represented the Shah later spoke at the imperial assembly in Nuremberg in 1524, and tried to talk the Christian rulers into cooperation against the Turks. Because of the conflicts between the European powers nothing would be realised from the Persian alliance that engaged the political public. By the time Charles V made up his mind in August 1525 and responded to the offer of Shah Sophi, the latter was dead. More on the issue: Tardy Lajos, Perzsia és a Nyugat Mohács előtt, Budapest, 1977, 728–735; idem., Régi magyar követjárások Keleten, Budapest, 1983, 81–93. 8 Louis II. 1  7  Further manuscripts: BK 213 fol. 52–53; BOss 177 fol. 40 r–v; Libri Legationum vol. XXIII, fol. 38–39. 2 Suleyman pensioned off his chief officer Píri Mehmed in 1523 and gave the position to his friend of his youth Ibrahim. He also transferred Pasha Ahmed one-time second officer to Egypt. Ahmed, feeling put aside, revolted against Suleyman as soon as he arrived in Cairo and declared himself Sultan. However, the riot was suppressed and Ahmed was beheaded. Compare: Káldy-Nagy Gyula, Szulejmán, Budapest, 1974, 58–59., and Matuz József, Az Oszmán Birodalom története, Budapest, 1990, 95.

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Brodaric, Stjepan (1490-1539) [1505]: Epistulae, versio electronica., Verborum 166, ed. Petrus Kasza [genus: prosa oratio - epistula] [numerus verborum] [brodaric-s-epistulae.xml].
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