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CroALa, 2024-04-29+02:00. Nodus 1918775 in collectione croala.

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Nodus 1918775 in documento brodaric-s-epistulae.xml

48 Bona Sforza1 to István Brodarics Cracow, 5 July 1525 Manuscript used: BCzart TN 37. fol. 355.2 Published: Acta Tomiciana VII. 299. Brodarics has been very industrious in the matter of the Duchy of Bari. Bona Sforza is asking him to help their envoy Johannes Dantiscus in every possible way. 5 Bona, Dei gratia regina Poloniae, magna dux Lithvaniae, Russiae, Prussiaeque etc. domina. Reverende Pater, Domine sincere nobis Dilecte.

Scimus nos Paternitatem Tuam negotiis nostris Barensibus, utpote et iustissimis et aequissimis esse ex corde affectum, eo maxime, quod id ab utraque maiestate sua in commissis habeat, ut nomine illarum maiestatum hoc idem apud caesaream et catholicam maiestatem efficaciter promoveret. Nunc cupimus, et si par sit, rogamus, assistet ibi oratori nostro, magnifico Ioanni Dantisco,3 et in quibus auxilium suum postulaverit, ita illud impendere velit, quemadmodum rebus nostris prodesse noverit. Nos enim praefato oratori nostro ad Tuam Paternitatem singulare iussimus habere refugium, nam illam scimus ibidem non parvi valere et reputari. Nos, quando poterimus Paternitati Tuae omni nostra gratitudine id rependere curabimus, quam optime valere cupimus.

Datum Cracoviae die quinta Iulii millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo quinto. Ea commissione sacrae reginalis maiestatis propria 7 promoveret correxi ex: promovere. AT: promoveret. 8 assistet ibi: assistat AT 9 auxilium suum: suum auxilium AT 14 die quinta Iulii: V. Iulii AT 15 Ea ... propria om. AT 1  Bona Sforza (1494–1557), daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza and Isabella of Aragon. Wife of Polish King Sigismund from 1517. More on her life: Władisław Pociecha, Królowa Bona (1494–1557) I–IV, Poznań, 1949–1958. 2  The manuscript in the Naruszewicz Collection served as the basis of publication. Since this is a replica from the 18th century, I gave variants of the text published in volume VII of Acta Tomiciana in the critical apparatus, because that one is based on a codex from Kórnik from the 16th or 17th century. According to Władisław Pociecha (Władisław Pociecha, Królowa Bona ... 545.), this letter has a replica in the Czartoryski Library, on page 62 of manuscript 3645. However, in the catalogue of manuscripts in the Czartoryski Library the item with this number contains accounts of a Conventual Franciscan monastery from the 18th century. 3  Bona Sforza also asked Dantiscus in his letter dated 5 July to make moves with the Emperor in connection to the issue of the Duchy of Bari, and to utilise Brodarics’ help. Compare: AT VII. 297–298.