CroALa & LatTy: nodus

CroALa, 2024-04-29+02:00. Nodus 1917088 in collectione croala.

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Nodus 1917088 in documento brodaric-s-epistulae.xml

22 Sigismund I to István Brodarics [Cracow], [September 1523]1 Manuscript used: BJ 6556 fol. 76r.2 1. Doctor Lucas has returned from Rome and reported about Brodarics’ diligence in the case of the Płock bishopric. Brodarics can therefore count on the King’s gratitude. – 2. He holds grudges for the matter has not been settled yet because of the increased sum of annata, even though this sum was designated for fight against the infidels. Thus, leaving it with the country would be more appropriate than increasing it and thereby ransack the country. – 3. Brodarics should intervene for a discussion of the letter by Bishop of Płock and for renunciation of an increase of annata. 4 Kálnai, with Brodarics’ assistance, filed an application to Hadrian VI to earn archdeanship of Telegd right after the death of Lászai. He got it. More recently on Brodarics’ role in the appointment of Kálnai using numerous sources in archives in Rome: Lakatos Bálint, Kálnai Imre királyi titkári és főesperesi kinevezése (1523–1525). Adalékok a pápaság magyar személyi politikájához Mohács előtt, Századok, 2010, 411–431. 5 Várdai had to be familiar with the way such benefices were awarded because 10 years earlier he got bishopric of Transylvania essentially after a foreign beneficiary, elected Bishop of Bordeaux Johannes de Fuxo. See Lukcsics Pál, A gróf Zichy-család okmánytára XII., Budapest, 1931, 368. 1  The letter mentions neither the death of Hadrian VI (14 September) nor the following conclave (1 October–19 November), so presumably it was written before the Pope’s death. 2  Another manuscript: BCzart TN 35. fol. 749–750. Reverende nobis sincere Dilecte.

[1.] Rediens istic ex Urbe doctor Lucas, quem in negotio episcopatus Plocensis miseramus, narravit nobis, quantam curam et diligentiam adhibueris in ipso negotio ex ipsis labyrinthis extricando. Qua re persuadeas tibi te nobis acceptissimum factum ac in eorum esse numero, quibus libenter commodare vellemus, prout hoc per omnem occasionem non praetermittimus.

[2.] Ceterum quod haereat adhuc istic ipsum negotium propter auctam annatam est nobis molestissimum, praesertim cum non ignoremus eas annatas fuisse primitus ad defensionem contra infideles concessas, quam nos cum serenissimo domino nepote nostro soli assidue sustinemus. Et proinde magis congrueret illas nobis contribui, quam eiusmodi auctionibus nos et regna nostra expilari.

[3.] Postulamus a te, operam facere velis, quo litterae ipsius episcopatus Plocensis expedire permittatur iuxta praedecessorum ipsius solutionem, nam nullo modo id ferre possumus, ut maioribus oneribus graventur ecclesiae nostrae satis alioquin superque gravatae. Faciet nobis rem gratissimam, quam tibi favore nostro regio curabimus referre. Datum.