Croatiae auctorum Latinorum bibliographia: croalabib

CroALa, 2024-04-23+02:00.

  • Tituli: 15925
  • Personae: 2871
  • Opera: 4871
  • Manuscripta: 417
  • Exemplaria: 7283
  • Digitalia: 1574
nomen croalabib
documenta 24
de dato 2016-01-10T01:05:39.000Z

Search authors in croalabib db

Enter name, or part of name, of a Croatian Latin author (reproduce the capitalization).

E. g. Marulić:

Search for works in croalabib by author

Enter name, or part of name, of a Croatian Latin author (capitalization is important).


Works in croalabib db

Enter part of title of work (as opposed to manifestation). Wildcards possible (e. g. oratio.* = orationem, orationis...)

Words from work title:

Parse words from Latin sentence

Enter a Latin sentence which you want to parse. The result will be an XML file with lots of grammatical information for each word.
